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Women’s Day Seminar – March 2019
On the occasion of Women’s day, Sonia Satham, Director Corporate Communications spoke about “Balancing Life and Health”
Mar-Apr 2019 Newsletter
A BIG THANKS Panacea Medical & Wellness Centre would like to thank all its patrons for their support on the occasion of their 8th anniversary that falls on Sunday, 17th March 2019. Dr. K. R. Menon, Medical Director, and Specialist Paediatrician would like to invite you to join u...
Dr Menon inaugurates child friendly Health Sign Pharmacy
Dr. K. R. Menon, Medical Director and Specialist Paediatrician, Panacea Medical and Wellness Centre, Dubai inaugurated the Health Sign Pharmacy on 21st February, 2019. Health Sign Pharmacy is the 33rd outlet of the fifteen year old Medex Pharmacy network and is located closest to Panacea Medical &a...